What does this word mean


Jackson Warren Unknown
Jackson Warren Unknown Asked 15 years ago


i play at mornington peninsula club and i had a junior tournament were i played a lot of people and there was about three of my opponents kept saying chow or cho after they won a point please can you answer my question?

Thank you. 

Alois Rosario
Member Badge Alois Rosario Answered 15 years ago

Hi Jackson,

It is just a way of encouraging themselves.

Good to hear you played at the Mornington tournament.  How did you go?

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Thoughts on this question

Jackson Warren Unknown

Jackson Warren Unknown Posted 15 years ago

not very good unfortunately i won 2 matches lost and i was wondering will you ever go down there because William henzell went down there and that gave the club some encouragement

just wondering 

Alois Rosario

Member Badge Alois Rosario from PingSkills Posted 15 years ago
I have been to Mornington quite a few times but not this year. It is a great club. Yes, having William there would have been good for the players. Try to get some coaching there if you don't already.

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