Bumping the opponent in a rally


Viet Dang Xuan
Viet Dang Xuan Asked 11 years ago

Hi Alois/Jeff

This is a situation I've just thought of. Though I 've never faced this situation in the real life, I still want an answer so I hope you can help me :)

In a smash-lob rally, the smasher suddenly made a dropshot. The lobber rushed in and managed to return it. But his momentum was too high that he can't stop, keep running, cross to the other side and bumped the opponent. Both fell down when the opponent didn't even touch the ball. So who gets the point?

Alois Rosario
Member Badge Alois Rosario Answered 11 years ago

Hi Viet,

This would be the smashers point because the lobber has come onto the smashers side and interfered with them.

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Thoughts on this question

Xariuz Cruz

Xariuz Cruz Posted 11 years ago

LOL, everyone should be laughing at that time

Viet Dang Xuan

Viet Dang Xuan Posted 11 years ago

Hi Alois, 

Thanks for the answer. But why can't I see any part talking about this in the official rules?

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