Can I change hands


Merric Christraj
Merric Christraj Asked 8 years ago


I am Merric. I am a right hander. But if the ball goes longer to the left side can change my bat to left. Is it legal?

Alois Rosario
Member Badge Alois Rosario Answered 8 years ago

Hi Merric,

Yes that is legal.  In fact some of the top players will do it... but only on a very rare occasion.

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Table Tennis Video Tutorial

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In this video we go over the somewhat complicated rules of serving for doubles in table tennis. There are a couple of extra rules for doubles that you don't apply to singles. In doubles you always serve from the right hand box diagonally to your opponent's right hand box. Each player has 2 serves each. If you've just been receiving then it's your turn to serve next.

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Thoughts on this question

Jean Balthazar

Jean Balthazar Posted 8 years ago

As demonstrated here.

Marcin Lonak

Marcin Lonak Posted 8 years ago

Thank you Jean,

i am a huge Grubba fan, and was of course curious if I will see him in that video. He was the real two handed table tennis player since he was originally a left handed person who was told to play TT right handed.

only Andrzej and Timo Boll used their other hand with control. The other people on this video use the other hand out of misery and with so little controll as my playing abilities. Sorry but it's true


Neal Van Haverbeck

Neal Van Haverbeck Posted 8 years ago

I occasionally see a player change hands but only in a desperate attempt to keep the rally going. At club play level it usually results in an easy return . I personally put my trust in an extended backhand to try to save the point. Juggling the paddle while attempting to continue the rally brings its own set of risks.


Neal Van Haverbeke

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