Can table tennis help the Australian cricket team


Nigel Fewster
Nigel Fewster Asked 9 years ago

Enjoyed seeing England blitz the Australian cricket team here in the UK and it made me wonder if some table tennis coaching could help them read the spin and direction better. Perhaps some mental preparation would help also laughing.

Alois Rosario
Member Badge Alois Rosario Answered 9 years ago


Oh Nigel, I am not sure what will help our cricketers… Don’t write them off yet though. frown

Recommended Video

Building Block 2: Link Your Table Tennis Strokes with Better Footwork

The second building block of table tennis is linking your strokes with set patterns. This step focuses on transitioning smoothly between strokes, as playing from a single position is very different from reacting after a previous shot.

At this stage, improving your footwork is essential to ensure you can consistently get into the correct position. By mastering this building block, you’ll develop better coordination, rhythm, and adaptability, allowing you to handle more dynamic gameplay with confidence.

To develop building block 2 you can utilise the following modules:


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Thoughts on this question

Nigel Fewster

Nigel Fewster Posted 9 years ago

I did catch the end of the last show 162 and I daren't ask a question live in case you banded me. I love listing to the show and have learnt a great deal. I feel sorry for your pain but how do you recover from such a defeat I have been 11-0 a couple of times in team matches and I wonder have you any suggestions on how to recover from it. There are games where it seems every shot no matter how good just either clips the net or misses an edge.

Alois Rosario

Member Badge Alois Rosario from PingSkills Posted 9 years ago

We did talk about you tonight as well… right at the end!

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