Can you help me on my reverse pendulum serve


james smith
james smith Asked 11 years ago

hi my name is nabeel and i play for a club but have a problem. i always try to do a reverse pendulum serve but either end up hitting the bottom of the net or just missing the ball when i throw it in the air. can you also  show me the way of holding the bat and a step by step guide to doing it.


Alois Rosario
Member Badge Alois Rosario Answered 11 years ago

Hi Nabeel,

If the ball is hitting the bottom of the net, get the first bounce closer to you.  This will give the ball time to get up and over the net.  If the first bounce is too close to the net, it doesn't have time to ascend.

If you are missing the ball, get your bat to pusj more forward into the ball in your swing.  Often when players do this serve they swing behind the ball and miss it.

Try these two things and let me know if it helps.

We have a detailed explanation and demonstration in our course on Serving Secrets.

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To get better at serving you need to practice. We give you a step by step framework to follow to ensure you are making the most of your practice time.

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