Technique or blade?


Mariano Rodriguez
Mariano Rodriguez Asked 11 years ago

Hi , i have been playing tt for 1 yeat now and i have learnt a lot of techniques. However , the other day my teacher told me to change my blade and the rubbers so i wondered , is it right to choose a rubber or blade when i dont have all the techniques ?? For example, i told my teacher that i like to hit the ball with my forehand , so he recommmended me a hard rubber but i dont know if i like to hit the ball because my lack of technique making spins or because  i really like to hit the ball.

So my question is . How do i know if the problem is my technique or the peoblem is my rubber? Can i decide my way of playing in one year ? 

Alois Rosario
Alois Rosario Answered 11 years ago

Hi Mariano,

What rubber and blade are you using at the moment and what are you thinking of changing to?

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Thoughts on this question

Mariano Rodriguez

Mariano Rodriguez Posted 11 years ago

blade schilkrodt for begginers, the same as both rubbers, schilkrodt (i dont know the model) but they have a lot of control and little hit. My teacher told me to change it for a blade diablo senso with a normal vario in the forehand and acuda s3 in rhe backhand. The thing is that i like to hit the ball with the forehand and i have good technique in the backhand to make spin.  

Alois Rosario

Alois Rosario from PingSkills Posted 11 years ago

Hi Mariano,

I think you can move up to this combination now.  The Schildkrot bat would not be helping you much with your technique now.  The new bat will give you a bit more spin and speed but still allow you enough control to develop your game.

Teh actual combination doesn't matter so much, it is just finding something a little faster with more spin.  This is as good a choice as any.

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