Chances of Adult Beginners to become better


Claus Hamacher
Claus Hamacher Asked 13 years ago

Hi Alois, hi Jeff,

as an adult beginner (44), I have joined a tt-club 6 months ago and I have made quite a bit of progress since then (also thanks to your videos..) and I also have a lot of fun.

Training is very much geared towards the younger players though - there is no real "training" for adults. So I often ask experienced players to spend a few minutes with me and tell me what mistakes I am making and how to improve my technique. I find it rather hard to detect the source of my errors on my own.

The problem is: not every good player is also a good teacher... 

So do you have any specific advice for a player in my situation? How good can I expect to become at my age if I play regularly (2-3 times per week at the moment)?

I know it's only a game but I hate losing.... ;-)




Alois Rosario
Alois Rosario Answered 13 years ago

Hi Claus,

You can certainly keep improving.  Not having seen you play it is hard to say how much. The important thing initially is technique.  If you can get a video of yourself and then compare it to the correct technique that may help.

I have found video a really useful tool.  

Work on the technical and then you will be able to focus on winning.  Technique doesn't discriminate for age. Good luck with those matches. 

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