The vault


Shreyance Jain
Shreyance Jain Asked 13 years ago

Hi Alois,

-Sir my question is when we create an opponent, we need to fill up our information?

-what's the aim behind to create an opponent?

-when we enter a match, suppose i entered a match against an opponent, then i have to enter his or my win.

I'm sure and I please you to answer these 3 questions.



Alois Rosario
Member Badge Alois Rosario Answered 13 years ago

Hi Shreyance,

The Vault is designed to help you to kep track of our matches and also your training sessions.

You can record information about your opponent and write down what you found useful when you played them.  It is easier to remember this if it is written down.  It is a really useful tool to have.

You can enter the result of the match as well.  The main purpose though is to record information about your opponent that will help you when you play them again.  The information is secure with your password so only you can see it. You can access the Vault wherever you are which is another useful feature.

Try using the Vault.  If you haven't already used it sign up for your free 7 day trial of the Premium membership and try it out.  I am sure you will see how useful it will be.  I wish I had this tool when I was playing.  I had to write down information.

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Thoughts on this question

Shreyance Jain

Shreyance Jain Posted 13 years ago

thanks sir,
and i'm sure it will help me a lot.


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