Change Shakehand to Reverse Penhold-Footwork


Diogo Silva
Diogo Silva Asked 9 years ago

Alois, how are you?

Firstly, congratulations in the website. It's very good to see a place to discuss about Table Tennis. I'm 22 years old and I have a question. I have played Table Tennis since 2009. But I changed my style a month ago. I always played Shakehand. However, I didn't like it due to wrist limitations. So, I'm now a Reverse Penhold player. It is normal to have difficulties in footwork, maybe because of the adaptation?

I just like to know if the footwork for the Chinese Penhold changes too much compared to a Shakehand player. I reallly liked serving,shorts balls and the RPB (Reverse Penhold Backhand) in this new style.I use a Chinese Rubber on forehand (Hurricane 3) and a European Rubber on Backhand (Donic Desto F3). My blade is All Round. 

I'm asking you this question because it's not so common to change style after so much time.

Please sorry any errors in English because I live in Brazil.

Alois Rosario
Alois Rosario Answered 9 years ago

Hi Diogo,

See how you go with the change of grip after a while.  Give it a few months at least to get the feel of the new style.

Footwork doesn’t change much at all with the different grips.  The basics are still the same.

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