Changing Grip - or tension?


George Ioannidis
George Ioannidis Asked 13 years ago

I always play shakehand with Chinese style loops, but I feel that I have a natural tendency for penhold (I could be wrong though). I realized it when at some point whilst relaxing I started hitting some tremendous forehand topspins with penhold without changing my technique much. I can also use reverse backhand with penhold grip quite effectively. Should I switch grips and learn penhold back from the beginning assuming that it comes natural or is it expected/normal for forehand topspins to be more effective from penholders?

Thank you

Alois Rosario
Member Badge Alois Rosario Answered 13 years ago

Hi George,

Players often find this. I think the answer is more in our expectations.

When we change grips it often feels easier because you relax and are not as worried about the outcome.  Everything is new and fresh.  YOu would soon find if you changed to penhold full time that the same feelings would come back that you have with your shakehand forehand.

The lesson to be learned though is the freedom of stroke that you can have with some relaxation and lack of expectations. 

Players also find this when they try someone else's bat or try a new rubber.  Everything feels good because they are not putting pressure on themselves to get the ball on the table. 

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Thoughts on this question

George Ioannidis

George Ioannidis Posted 13 years ago

I could have never thought of this!!!! Maybe one of the reasons was that penholder's forehands seemed always  more blistering to my eyes.

Sounds so reasonable and helpful thoug...thank you very much.

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