Changing Grip


Robin Stephens
Robin Stephens Asked 12 years ago

So, I watched the video response to an "Ask the Coach" about changing grip, and I understand that if it's a small change, it's ok, but I really need to know just how small. With my forehand, my middle, ring and pinky fingers are a little bit lower on the handle and my thumb is barely touching them. My index finger slants up to the end of the paddle as if i was playing a shake hand grip, which I am. It's completely shakehand that's just a little more detailed. On my backhand, my middle, ring, and pinky fingers slide up a tiny bit, thus making my thumb close around those fingers and my index finger is much straighter since my fingers are higher. (it doesnt have to slant like on the forehand). I've been playing tabletennis for about 3 years now and I literally just noticed it. I'm a junior, and I'm playing at about 1600 at the moment, but I plan on becoming much higher rated. I need to know if I should try to change this or if it's ok.

Let me explain the grip change. It's sort of like the paddle shifts in my hand. Say I just executed a forehand and I see a ball heading to my backhand. I kind of let the paddle fall for a second then close my fingers around it. I know it sounds strange, but it only takes less than a second. So, yeah, please help me out. I need to know whether or not I need to change it.

Alois Rosario
Member Badge Alois Rosario Answered 12 years ago

Hi Robin,

It sounds like you are playing at a good level.

This is only a problem if you are finding that you are getting caught with different grips when the ball is coming fast to you and you don't have time to play the stroke correctly with the grip that you want to use.

If you find that you are fast enough to change between these two positions in a fast rally then keep going the way you are going with your grip.  Just make sure that your grip is nice and relaxed to allow yourself to be creative and your wrist to mover freely.

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