

Trey Yates
Trey Yates Asked 12 years ago

Thanks for that training sheet. I just have one more question, I don`t have a Table Tennis partner, and I`m thinking about buying a robot. how do you feel about training with a robot?

Alois Rosario
Member Badge Alois Rosario Answered 12 years ago

Hi Trey,

Robots are a good last option if you can't get a training partner.  They are OK for repetitive hitting to learn strokes but they do not give you the cues that you get from another player hitting the ball to you.

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Table Tennis Video Tutorial

Effective Third Ball

Don't just hit your third ball attack as fast as you can every time. Firstly it is a risky strategy and secondly your opponent starts to anticipate your shots. Think about varying your spin, speed and placement. In this master class we explain what makes a great third ball attack and Jeff shares some of his personal favourite third ball tips.

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