Changing mind from block to countertopspin


Francisco Cespedes Grau
Francisco Cespedes Grau Asked 12 years ago

Hi Alois and Jeff!

My question today is more about mind than technique, I'm able to do topspin to topspin (still not consistent) but i want to practice it in matches, the problem is I usually go to block when a topspin is coming to me, how could I change my mind and trying to do a counter attack?, and how I can decide when it's better just a block?.

My game actually is based in the third ball attack, I serve short backspin serve (im working on getting more brush, I think it's working Alois :) ) they usually push it long, and then I do forehand or backhand topspin (usually forehand), when the player is able to do some block to my third ball I usually do more passive strokes especially if the block is a fast block, and sometimes when i can't do the third ball attack, I get a topspin stroke, I think the solution for both problems (countertopspin and topspin blocks) is get more far from the table? what are your suggestions?


Alois Rosario
Member Badge Alois Rosario Answered 12 years ago

Hi Francisco,

Good to hear your serving is feeling better.  It sounds like you are getting a good base of tactics to work with.

Deciding when to play a counter topspin or block usually depends on the amount of time you have.  The more time, the more chance you have to make a topspin.  When you are a bit rushed you can make a block.

If you do move back that will give you more time to make the topspin.

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Thoughts on this question

Jeff Plumb

Member Badge Jeff Plumb from PingSkills Posted 12 years ago

Hi Francisco,

A lot of people also find it difficult to play the 5th ball after hitting a topspin against backspin on the third ball. It seems that the action of lifting the third ball is still fresh in players minds, and they often hit the 5th ball off the end of the table. To counter this you need to really concentrate on the 5th ball and make yourself realise it is a topspin ball and then play the appropriate stroke.

We cover this in our video on the forehand followup.

Francisco Cespedes Grau

Francisco Cespedes Grau Posted 12 years ago

Thanks both!, I think my problem here is i dont get a bit far to get time, so I will work on it

Douglas Hill

Douglas Hill Posted 12 years ago

Perhaps it would be useful to play some mini games with altered rules, where you have to topspin any topspin ball, thus removing the decision making time and giving you a chance to find out how much time and distance you really need for this response.

Alois Rosario

Member Badge Alois Rosario from PingSkills Posted 12 years ago

That is a good suggestion Douglas.

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