Coaching a small kid


Aasim Showkat
Aasim Showkat Asked 12 years ago

Hi Alois,
I want to train my cousin who is just 5 year can i get start with him?
And secondly I have a request, that can you add subtitles to the upcoming video answers>

Alois Rosario
Member Badge Alois Rosario Answered 12 years ago

Hi Aasim,

To start with get them to roll the ball along the table or floor to get the feeling of the ball.  Then you can bounce the ball to them on the floor and get them to hit it back.  You can progress to doing the same thing on the table.  Feed him one ball at a time so he has plenty of time to hit the ball and also watch where the ball is going.

Slowly you can progress to hitting the ball back.  Take it slowly.  Make it fun for him and he will want to continue to play the game.

Unfortunately we can't put subtitles as they are very time consuming for us with the amount of videos we are producing.

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Thoughts on this question

Aasim Showkat

Aasim Showkat Posted 12 years ago

Mp>How much time would it take to atleast return the ball correctly on the table. Yesterday I took him on the table and feed him balls. Instead of returning he throwed them away. I was also thinking, how it would be if could learn to bounce ball on racket several times.

Alois Rosario

Member Badge Alois Rosario from PingSkills Posted 12 years ago

Bouncing the ball on the racket is a good way for him to develop control.  You will find it will take quite a while and a lot of patience from you to develop his skill level.

I would stay with the controlled hitting away from the table as well for a while till he develops his control.  Especially if he is hitting a lot of balls away still.  Find as many ways to develop his control of the ball with his bat.  Slowly and easy is the key.

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