Changing Rubber


Mars De Los Santos
Mars De Los Santos Asked 15 years ago

Coach, how do you determine if you need to change your rubber? Do hard sponge rubbers last longer than soft sponge rubbers?

Alois Rosario
Member Badge Alois Rosario Answered 15 years ago

Hi JM,

The first thing to wear on the rubbe ris the surface.  If you hold the rubber up to light at a certain angle you will start to see the pimples of the rubber wearing through.  You will see dots on the surface.  This is a sign the rubber is wearing.  The other thing to do is just rub your finger across the surface.  It hould still have good grip on the surface.  If it it ssmooth, you are in urgent need of something new.

Of course this is all a matterof levels as well.  The professional players would never see the rubber getting this worn but for mere mortals this is a good indicator.


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