Changing to Long pimples


Filippo Rotunno
Filippo Rotunno Asked 7 years ago

Hi Alois

I have not asked you a question for quite a while so I thought I would show that I am still keen and thankful for all the hard work that you and Jeff do for us.

A few months ago I took the decision to use long pimples (no sponge) on my backhand. I am 71, have always played at the table, and the game was becoming too fast for me. I needed something to slow it down and, so far, the pimples have worked for me. I do not have the problem of receiving fast service on my backhand and I have more opportunities to use my trusted forehand. The control is also exceptional.

To give myself a chance I decided not to play any league matches or tournament this year so, in terms of results, I am not certain if I am doing better than before. Judging by some friendly matches at practice sessions I should be getting better results but it is really too early.

I come now to my question and sorry about my lengthy preamble but I needed to explain the motivation behind such a drastic change.

Is there any hints that you can give me about the strategy to follow and anything else that will help me to make the most out of this rubber?

Kind regards



Alois Rosario
Member Badge Alois Rosario Answered 7 years ago

Hi Filippo,

Always nice to hear from you.

Interesting move and it sounds like it is working for you which is great.

I think the most important thing is to play with it as much as you can.  The brain will take some time to react naturally with the long pimples rather than thinking there is inverted rubber on the backhand.  Experiment with both the block ball and the attack off a backspin ball.  Also try to play as many practice games as you can as the reactions will kick in more when you are under a little bit of stress.

Good luck with it all and let me know how you get on.

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Table Tennis Video Tutorial

Effects of Rubbers

Learn the effects of using normal rubber, short pimples, long pimples and anti spin. This is an introduction that shows how much spin each type of rubber can generate and how a spinning ball reacts when hit with each type of rubber.

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