Chapter titles for downloaded videos


Henning Bock
Henning Bock Asked 13 years ago

Hi all,

I just bought PingSkills'  DVDs as a quicktime download.These files are partitioned into chapters which is fine for selecting certain portions of a DVDs content. But as far as I have seen these chapters are not named. So you are not able to see which content will be shown when selecting a chapter number.

Is there a table of contents or something like this available for download? Or am I doing something wrong?



Jeff Plumb
Member Badge Jeff Plumb Answered 13 years ago

Hi Henning,

Thanks for your question. We've had some suggestions regarding this and are now looking at how we can create named chapters. In the meantime here are some details on the contents:


Serving Secrets Revealed 

[00:00:00.000] Introduction

[00:00:53.280] Some Serving Rules

[00:02:29.880] Learning To Spin

[00:10:13.480] Pendulum Serve

[00:23:22.200] Reverse Pendulum Serve

[00:27:30.000] Tomahawk Serve

[00:30:19.400] Backhand Serve

[00:35:45.560] The High Toss Serve

[00:38:00.000] Advanced Serving

[00:45:59.320] Service Tactics

[00:47:14.720] How To Practice Your Serve

[00:48:59.120] Now It's Your Turn...


Receiving Secrets Revealed 

[00:00:00.000] Introduction

[00:00:27.600] Understanding Spin

[00:05:47.400] Reading Spin

[00:09:30.680] Key Principles Of Receiving

[00:21:32.040] Receiving Position And Footwork

[00:24:54.080] Receiving Options

[00:38:20.480] Analysing Serves

[00:48:59.960] Fake Movements

[00:50:43.200] Receiving Tactics

[00:56:16.320] How To Practice Receiving

[01:03:16.680] Bonus Footage


Training Secrets Revealed

[00:00:00.000] Introduction

[00:00:48.600] Structure Of A Training Session

[00:02:18.960] Physical Warm Up

[00:11:32.040] On Table Warm Up

[00:16:20.440] Drills

[00:19:24.280] Footwork Drills

[00:50:24.040] Random Elements

[01:01:16.920] Match Routine Drills

[01:22:55.640] Choosing The Right Footwork Drill

[01:26:31.480] Games

[01:31:32.360] Service Practice

[01:33:52.840] Training Secrets Action Plan


Coaching Lessons 1


[00:00:00.000] Get A Grip

[00:01:25.320] Teaching Beginners How To Serve

[00:04:31.320] The Most Important Skill In Table Tennis

[00:06:44.080] Essential Table Tennis Rules

[00:13:54.080] Forehand Counterhit

[00:16:22.560] Backhand Counterhit

[00:18:47.400] Placement Of The Serve

[00:20:52.600] Backhand Push

[00:22:55.160] Forehand Push

[00:24:54.280] Forehand Topspin Against Block

[00:26:49.760] Forehand Topspin Against Backspin


Coaching Lessons 2 

[00:00:00.000] Backhand Topspin Against Block

[00:03:29.520] Backhand Topspin Against Backspin

[00:07:42.240] Forehand Smash

[00:11:38.440] Lob Against Smash

[00:14:15.320] The Basics Of Table Tennis Footwork

[00:18:06.080] Choosing A Good Table Tennis Ball

[00:20:13.480] Forehand Chop

[00:23:32.760] Backhand Chop

[00:27:11.560] Forehand Flick

[00:32:07.280] Backhand Flick

[00:35:54.560] Backhand Block


Coaching Lessons 3 Standard

[00:00:00.000] Forehand Block

[00:04:19.920] How To Counter A Slow Spinny Topspin

[00:12:26.600] Ready Position

[00:18:24.200]Sidespin Forehand Topspin

[00:21:31.600] Topspin Against Topspin


Coaching Lessons 3 Widescreen

[00:00:00.000] Backhand Sidespin Flick

[00:04:08.840] Dropshot Off A Lob

[00:06:31.640] Dropshot Off A Chop

[00:08:35.720] Keeping The Ball Low

[00:12:54.640] Effects Of Rubbers

[00:18:58.360] Practicing Alone




Recommended Video

Table Tennis Video Tutorial

Recognise Your Feelings

The first step into the world of sports psychology is to recognise your feelings when you are playing well and when you are playing poorly. This video talks about some of those feelings and asks you to think about different matches you have played and how you felt during those matches. In future videos on the subject we will use this information to help you reach your potential.

Watch Now

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