Chinese rubber with Japanese penhold


Jon Schroeder
Jon Schroeder Asked 10 years ago

Hi Alois and Jeff,

I am wondering if I would be at a disadvantage using a Chinese rubber with a Jpen grip. I am planning to start off with a more controlled chinese rubber like Friendship 729-08, then as my control develops, to move on to XIOM Vega Pro which is a Japanese/Euro. rubber. What are your thoughts about using a chinese rubber on a jpen and switching from chinese to japanese rubber.

Also, does your pingskills touch come in Jpen and if not do u think it could still be suitable for a Jpen player?



Alois Rosario
Member Badge Alois Rosario Answered 10 years ago

Hi Jon,

I think using a Chinese rubber on a JPen blade is OK.  It is just a matter of your own feel.

The PingSkills Touch Penhold is a Chinese style blade.  You should try playing with a shakehand blade with the penhold grip and see if it feels OK before thinking about making the change.  If it feels OK, then you could think about changing.

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Thoughts on this question

Jon Schroeder

Jon Schroeder Posted 10 years ago

Thanks another great answer!

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