Out of Touch


Shivam Goenka
Shivam Goenka Asked 10 years ago

Hello Sir

I am a good table tennis player.  I purchased Xiom Vega Pro and played with it for 2 months. But due to studies I didn’t play table tennis for 1.5 months. I played today in an interschool tournament after 1.5 months and I lost to a player whom I used to defeat every time. I was not able to control my racket (xiom Vega pro) and even my legs were shivering, and I was able to control Vega pro in the past. I am also worried because after 5 days I have state ranking and I'm not in touch to table tennis. What would be the reason of my defeat and how can I prepare for my state tournament in 5 days as I'm out of touch?

Alois Rosario
Member Badge Alois Rosario Answered 10 years ago

Hi Shivam,

Focus on the few days ahead.  Try to hit as many balls as you can in those days.  The reason you were nervous is because you had not had enough time on the table so you were unsure of yourself. Confidence comes with training.

With some consistent training over the next few days you will give yourself the best chance of success.

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Thoughts on this question

Shivam Goenka

Shivam Goenka Posted 10 years ago

Thanks for advice , sir

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