Choosing equipment


somshekar somshekar
somshekar somshekar Asked 12 years ago

hi,alois,i dont understand how to check a suitable racket to me.  i need speed and spin which is better racket to me?

Alois Rosario
Member Badge Alois Rosario Answered 12 years ago

Hi Somshekar,

This is such a difficult area of the game when you are starting out.  There are literally hundreds of options out there and many of them are the same using different branding.

You just need to get something that has a bit of grip on the surface with some sponge under the rubber.

That is why we have chosen a few rackets to put on our site to make the choice a bit easier for those that don't know what to look for. We know these bats are suitable.

If it is your first good bat I would recommend the PingSkills Rook.  This will last you about a year or more into your development.  The next step is to get a PingSkills Touch with Mark V rubber on it.  This will allow you more speed and spin on the ball and will last a couple of years into your development after that.

Take a look at these choices and be comfortable that you are getting something that will be good quality.

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