Chop serve


kirin klaus
kirin klaus Asked 13 years ago

How do you do a fast chop serve?


Alois Rosario
Member Badge Alois Rosario Answered 12 years ago

Hi Kirin,

You need to brush down on the ball.  To get the ball to travel fast you also need to hit it a little flatter.  Work on getting the contact fast and brushing.

Recommended Video

The Kicker Serve

The kicker serve is one of our "must learn" serves. It's fast, fun, and has lots of topspin. It can be dangerous because if it's not fast enough and if you don't surprise your opponent then they may be able to attack it forcefully putting you on the defensive straight away. Used well though, and sparingly, it can be a great weapon. It can win you a point outright and it will stop your opponent from standing over the table waiting for your short serves since they need to be ready for anything.

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Thoughts on this question

kirin klaus

kirin klaus Posted 13 years ago

finnaly i learnt it:)

Alois Rosario

Member Badge Alois Rosario from PingSkills Posted 13 years ago

Jeff Plumb

Member Badge Jeff Plumb from PingSkills Posted 12 years ago

Hey Kirin,

Our premium members vote for the questions and based on that we make our video responses. 

Martin Coronel

Martin Coronel Posted 12 years ago

jeff and alois do you still show to the one who questioned it, the video even if the video is for premium members only

even if they are not a premium member


Quy Tran

Quy Tran Posted 12 years ago

Hi Alois, what's differene between  a back spin pendulum serve and a fast chop serve ?

Douglas Hill

Douglas Hill Posted 12 years ago

This video helped me, especially the suggestion that I experiment to find out what it takes to send the ball off the table. I was surprised at how hard I could hit it. I tried this serve last night against two of my regular opponents with good results. One of them returned most of these into the net. The other pushed them back (with a lot of spin) so I could loop them (with a LOT of spin). No doubt they'll figure out better responses over time, but it's good to have this in my bag of tricks, especially as a similar motion can produce a short serve.

Siddhartha Raja

Siddhartha Raja Posted 12 years ago

i am not a premium member so please tell me what is in this video and i also want to know how to do fast chop serve

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