Cleaning rubbers


B G Asked 13 years ago

Hi guys,

I clean my rubbers by using a small amount of commercial cleaner, or grease-cutting soap (dish soap, etc) and simply rinsing it off with water, and hanging my racket up to dry after shaking the excess water off.

It works great to getting all the hand oils, dust, and sweat/grime off the rubber, and I have been using the same tacky rubber for over a year with no noticeable drop in performance (as far as I can tell), but I wonder if this is bad for the sponge or racket itself.

Do you have any experience with this?  I haven't noticed any negative change in performance from doing this for about a year.

I do notice a difference between cleaned and not cleaned though.  I don't clean during sessions though.

Alois Rosario
Member Badge Alois Rosario Answered 13 years ago


If this is working for you then it is good.  The soap will get a little of the grease off.

Perhaps others have tried other things that they can share here.

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