cleaning your bat


saksham sharma Unknown
saksham sharma Unknown Asked 15 years ago

how do i clean my table tennis bat?

Alois Rosario
Member Badge Alois Rosario Answered 15 years ago

Hi Saksham,

The easiest way is to just use a sponge with a little water on it.  Just wipe down your bat before and after you play.

The main thing is to keep the dust off the rubber.

Recommended Video

Table Tennis Video Tutorial

Choosing a Table Tennis Bat

Make sure you buy a table tennis bat that is suitable for your level and allows you to develop your technique. For your first bat we recommend the PingSkills Rook, and when you upgrade to a custom bat we recommend the PingSkills Touch with Mark V or Rakza 7.

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Thoughts on this question

Mike Unknown

Mike Unknown Posted 15 years ago

You say it is easier to clean your bat with (tap?) water, but does that really get the rubber clean enough?  Most players seem to use all manner of cleaning products, which suggests you can't rely on just water to get rid of grease, sweat, dust.  To keep your rubbers behaving properly, don't you have to use special products?

Ji-Soo Woo

Ji-Soo Woo Posted 15 years ago

I used to think the same way...but after getting advice from Alois I've started just breathing on my rubbers and wiping it clean with my palm.  I've been cleaning it that way for almost the past year, and haven't noticed any drop off in rubber performance.  Occasionally, probably about once every 3-4 months, I do use a rubber cleaner...but mainly because I still have a bottle lying around.

Eric DSouza

Eric DSouza Posted 15 years ago

I tend to use rubbing alcohol applied on cotton to clean my rubber sheets after every playing session. Dirt, grime and grease come off very easily and so far I haven't noticed the alcohol effect the playing characteristics of the rubber sheet.. A racket case is a good idea to keep the bat clean but you can also cover the rubber sheets in the paper wrap that comes originally with the rubber sheet or get a set of sticky plastic covers to protect your rubber sheets.

Kronos Chow

Kronos Chow Posted 15 years ago

I too use water with sponge to clean my bat.

 Anyway, how do you clean a pimpled rubber effectively?

Piers Grey

Piers Grey Posted 15 years ago

You clean a pimpled rubbered bat by liturally, getting a toothbrush wet (as though you are going to clean out your mouth after you've used the toothpaste) and brush over with the toothbrush onto your pimpled rubber.

What this does is pull out all the dirt, grime and sweat out of the bat, making the rubber more effective and responsive to use during a game.   

Jason Ferdinand

Jason Ferdinand Posted 8 years ago

How to make the rubber dry again? You have to let it dry itself? Or you have to use sponge / fabric / what to wipe it?

Alois Rosario

Member Badge Alois Rosario from PingSkills Posted 8 years ago

Just let it dry naturally.

Aashay Shailesh

Aashay Shailesh Posted 5 years ago

How to remove moisture from a TT bat??


knarf ... from France

knarf ... from France Posted 5 years ago

I read on internet, that you could use sunflower oil. Using a paintbrush... I found it a bit surprising. So I trust that this is the right place to ask if this is a hoax or true?

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