Close to the Table Style


Carlo Unknown
Carlo Unknown Asked 15 years ago

I asked Jeff this question a month ago and I want to ask another question.

In the close to the table zone(2 ft - 3ft away from the table), most players will shorten their strokes. The problem is I have a European style of play. I know Chinese style takes advantage of a backswing to cover the loss of power to the ball due to shortage of stroke.

The question is, should I focus on recovery or shortening of strokes? I mean take Timo Boll for example. Does he use short strokes or does he have fast recovery? What's your opinion coach?

Alois Rosario
Member Badge Alois Rosario Answered 15 years ago

Hi Carlo,

Many Europeans shorten their strokes as well to cope with the lack of time.

You should focus on both.  The faster you can recover the longer the stroke w=you will be able to play.

In the ideal world with all the time in the world to play a stroke you would use a long stroke to generate maximum power, but table tennis is all about compromising for lack of time.


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