Close to the table topspin


Abhiram Reddy
Abhiram Reddy Asked 11 years ago

A year ago I was using a premade bat which isn't as fast as the current bat (the basic jonyer ply +mark V max on both sides).  I was used to fast, close to the table rallies and had not really developed the concept of using considerable topspin  .After a lot of practice I am now able to play topspins from my forehand with reasonable control and accuracy.  But now I am unable to counter-hit and counter-hitting rallies seem like unfamiliar lands (It's ironic) and  prefer loop-rallies from a distance.  Being an attacking player I find it necessary to have the ability to attack from near the table as well  (It will also indirectly add to my defense, after all, a counter-hit or block which is low over the net and long can only be attacked with topspin;an area I'm comfortable with). So how do I develop playing close to the net fast rallies especially countering a counter-hit without losing my touch on topspinning.  Also, please give me tips about the ready position, shots I should use and how I should chose between the loop and counter-hit against my opponents shot.

PS:I'm sorry for the long back-story but i thought giving you an idea of my present skills and circumstances would give you a better idea on what and how I should work on in my game.

Thank You

Alois Rosario
Member Badge Alois Rosario Answered 11 years ago

Hi Abhiram,

I think a good solution for you would be to play a close to the table topspin.  You don't need to do a big topspin but shorten the stroke but still get the brushing contact over the ball.

I think this will make the close to the table and topspin both possible.

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Thoughts on this question

Abhiram Reddy

Abhiram Reddy Posted 11 years ago

Thanks Alois .I will certainly work on this.One more question:In the fast counter-hit rallies what should my racket angle be to a) block b)counter-hit and i want the ball quite low over the net as even the slightest elevation is put away

Alois Rosario

Member Badge Alois Rosario from PingSkills Posted 11 years ago

You would need to have your bat tilted slightly forward to counteract the speed and put a little topspin on the ball to get it to dip quickly.

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