Coach in San Diego


Yakov Nayerman
Yakov Nayerman Asked 6 years ago


We (me and my wife) are newcomers to PingSkills. Played a little bit when kids, which was ... 50 years ago. Just bought a table and want to learn some basics. Saw a couple of your clips (grips, serving) and loved them. Will definitely try to follow your tutorials. But we'd like to have a life coach, who could once in a while lead/correct our efforts. A student would be just fine. We live in Northern part of San Diego. Can you, please suggest any local leads?

Thank you, in advance


Alois Rosario
Member Badge Alois Rosario Answered 6 years ago

Hi Yakov,

Welcome back into the game.

The best way is often to find a club in your area.  In the USA I tend to use the Find a Club site.

Other readers may be also able to help you out.

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Thoughts on this question

Mike Deubig

Mike Deubig Posted 6 years ago

San Diego Table Tennis Association is a good club out there! They do offer lessons from a coach as well! 

Alois Rosario

Member Badge Alois Rosario from PingSkills Posted 6 years ago

Thanks Mike.

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