Coaching videos


Duncan Wraight
Duncan Wraight Asked 12 years ago

Hi both,

I've just watched your excellent "match drills" video.

It's great to see Jeff nailing all of those drills, but it would also be quite useful to see "common mistakes" etc.

Do you have any videos of either of you coaching less experienced players on drills like that?

I think it'd help those of us that don't have access to a coach to see the process you go through, in terms of how to get through the drills and how to correct bad practice.


Jeff Plumb
Member Badge Jeff Plumb Answered 12 years ago

Hi Duncan,

We don't have any videos of that at the moment but it is a good suggestion.

The match drills are a critical part of improving your table tennis. The key to these drills is good balance. If you are balanced, it becomes easier to make good position for the ball and play your stroke with good technique. If you aren't in a good position then players tend to modify their stroke to counter the fact they are not in position and this is where the errors can creep in.

To get better at these drills, start with drills where you know where the ball is going. For example in the Forehand Opener drill, have your opponent push the ball to your forehand. Once you gain some consistency in this drill then you can vary it by having them push the ball to different spots.

During the drills, really try to focus on your technique and ensure that each stroke you play is as perfect as possible.

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Thoughts on this question

Duncan Wraight

Duncan Wraight Posted 12 years ago

Thanks Jeff.

If you get a chance to record one or two coaching videos, please consider uploading them :)


Alois Rosario

Member Badge Alois Rosario from PingSkills Posted 12 years ago

Hi Duncan,

I like your suggestion too.  It would be a matter of videoing the right session.  If we do get a chance to video it and get permission we will upload it for you.

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