
Mental Preparation

jetric jetricaranas123
jetric jetricaranas123 Asked 12 years ago

Dear PingSkills Coach,

I have a really big problem about my concentration in my game..,

sometimes i lost my match because of it, and i cant spin the ball in perfect timing.,

please tell me what kind of training will I use to have more concentration in my game..

thats all.  :) TNX

from your very big fan,

jetric aranas (philippines)

Alois Rosario
Member Badge Alois Rosario Answered 12 years ago

Hi Jetric,

I think concentration starts with practice sessions.  During training make sure you are focusing on every ball.  If you can do this, then you will find it easier to concentrate during your matches.

During a match if you feel you are starting to wander mentally, take a few seconds to take a deep breath and then think about your tactic for the next point.

I find focusing on the ball also helps with concentration.

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Table Tennis Video Tutorial

The Controller

Most drills involve one person performing the exercise and the other placing the ball as required by the exercise. We call this person placing the ball the controller. When you are acting as the controller it is a great opportunity to practice your blocking and concentration. As blocking is an important part of the game you should be 100% focused at this time. You also owe it to your training partner to be blocking effectively so they get the most from their exercise.

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Thoughts on this question

Wayne Sy

Wayne Sy Posted 12 years ago

Hi Sir. Jetric, I am from Philippines too.

do you play at harrison plaza table tennis club in manila?

jetric jetricaranas123

jetric jetricaranas123 Posted 12 years ago

no i play in kidapawan city T-T club., good to know that you are also a pilipino.:D


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