confusing style for both sidespin and reverse topspin


shrenik panchal
shrenik panchal Asked 14 years ago

how can i make a style in which both sidespin and reverse topspin can be done?

Alois Rosario
Member Badge Alois Rosario Answered 14 years ago

Hi Shrenik,

If it for the serve, think about changing slightly the angle of your bat at contact. It doesn't take much to change the spin just a slight movement.  If you come over the ball a little more you will get the topspin and if your bat angle is more on the side of the ball you will generate sidespin.

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Plain Topspin Serve

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Thoughts on this question

shrenik panchal

shrenik panchal Posted 14 years ago

i have tried it all but my timing for both of them changes so my opponent can come to know easily whichserve im going to do

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