My style of play


Mahezzuan Junior
Mahezzuan Junior Asked 14 years ago

Hello,can you tell me what is my playing style bcoz i like to counter the ball with backhand also like to mixed it with chop with my forehand.occasionaly i like to mixed it with loop

Alois Rosario
Member Badge Alois Rosario Answered 14 years ago


Sounds like you are an allround player.  This can be a really effective way to play because it keeps your opponent settled. 

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Table Tennis Video Tutorial

#12 - Defensive Technique

Although attacking is the most popular style at the top level in Table Tennis, it is important to be able to defend well. If you choose to play a defensive style then you should be practicing these strokes all the time. If you play an attacking stroke then you should still try and find some time for these strokes. If you can win one extra point by defending well when pressured, it could make the difference between winning and losing.

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Thoughts on this question

Mahezzuan Junior

Mahezzuan Junior Posted 14 years ago i can identified my playing i also can do the defensive thing

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