Confusion with buying a racket


Ashitmohan Vig
Ashitmohan Vig Asked 10 years ago

Hello Coach,

I used to have a Jonyer H1 blade with Mark V rubbers many many years ago, that is before I stopped playing & lost the complete touch...Dont have the raquet with me anymore, but in the market again for a custom table tennis bat. Since, it's been a lot of time I got my first one done - I am not even sure what is out there in the market these days....Any suggestions on a balanced speed to control Table Tennis custom Racket?  There is a vast supply of bats & rubbers in India ranging from Joola, Butterfly Yasaka etc, & I could also get it imported from I am looking for something that offers a good control & spin on the backhand, while is offensive ( yet keeps in control ) on the front hand, & suits my top spinning.. I dont have a very large budget..

Following is what I shortlisted, but I could be completely offset to my requirements & seek your correction

Jonyer H2 / Tibhar Stratum Wood/ Joola Rosskopf allround or emotion

With Mark V / Sriver/ Mambo-H rubbers

Please HELP!

Thanks... VIG

Alois Rosario
Alois Rosario Answered 10 years ago

Hi Ashitmohan,

I would go for the H2 with Mark V or Sriver.  You could also try the PingSkills Touch with Mark V.  It is a good all-round blade.

Thoughts on this question

Ashitmohan Vig

Ashitmohan Vig Posted 10 years ago

Thanks Coach, I really appreciate it.

Would you recommenced Tibhar Stratus power wood with Mark V, or should I stick to H2? Unfortunately, I am only getting max width on MarkV...

Thanks.. ashitmohan.

Alois Rosario

Alois Rosario from PingSkills Posted 10 years ago

Either would be OK, but I probably stay with the H2 so it is more familiar.

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