Consistency of performance

Mental Preparation

roman stingler
roman stingler Asked 10 years ago

Hi, here in Austria we have team competitions 3x 1vs1 + 1double (10 games in summary) once per week. When I start against the strongest opponent +200-400pt. I often win the match without any troubles. I have seen your video #69 about improving anticipation and if I analyze my game I find it easy to focus the ball the entire match. But in the next games when I play against lower rated players +50-200pt. I often lead 2-0 (best of five) but then I can't focus anymore, I lose the focus on the ball, make service errors, receive errors, I'm often half step to late and therefore I extend my arm and the movement is bad and this is the reason why I miss often the table. Sometimes timeouts help me to get 2 or 3 points but then I start missing balls again. Any ideas for my mental misery? thanks in advance PS: played for 2 years then I quit playing for 4years due to my study and now I play since 5 months (increased my rating from 550 to 700).

Alois Rosario
Member Badge Alois Rosario Answered 10 years ago

Hi Roman,

This can be a bit of fatigue, probably mental fatigue but it may also be physical.

Try to take some breaks between matches. Take yourself outside the stadium for a few minutes to recharge.  Also during the match, take a few seconds when you start to feel yourself wandering in concentration to get yourself back.  A simple pre point routine can really help with this.

In training, work on keeping focused for longer periods of your session.  It is something that can improve with practice and time.

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Table Tennis Video Tutorial

#1 - Stroke Consistency

Session 1 of your 52 week training plan focuses on consistency of your strokes. As such we spend a lot of time working on grooving our strokes. Make sure to also watch the accompanying master class on consistency.

Watch Now

Thoughts on this question

roman stingler

roman stingler Posted 10 years ago

Thanks for your fast reply, I will work on your mentioned points. Furthermore, I will try to loose some weight. I'm sure this will help, I will respond in a few weeks how things worked out

Alois Rosario

Member Badge Alois Rosario from PingSkills Posted 10 years ago

Great, keep us informed.

Johan B

Johan B Posted 9 years ago

Congratulations! Inspirational indeed laughing

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