Contact point in Pendulum serve in relation to R hip


V Awasty
V Awasty Asked 7 years ago


I was wondering if there is a specific area, in regard to the R hip, where one should target contacting the ball, in the pendulum serve? Assuming the player is serving side on, like in your videos. Does this point change depending upon if the serve is backspin, sidespin, topspin or a combination?

The suggestion of contacting the ball at the R hip was very useful, for the reverse Pendulum serve. 

Thank you,


Alois Rosario
Member Badge Alois Rosario Answered 7 years ago

Hi Vivek,

The contact is close to your right hip for all of the variations of the serve.

Trying to keep the contact close enable you to utilise your wrist more easily and also by having the same contact position it adds to the disguise of the serve.

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