Controlling My Backhand Topspin


Joshua Defensor
Joshua Defensor Asked 12 years ago

Hi Alois and Jeff

I can't control my backhand topspin. How can I control it easily?

Jeff Plumb
Member Badge Jeff Plumb Answered 12 years ago

Hi Joshua,

Repetition is the key. The more times you practice a stroke, the more automatic it will become in your brain.

Watch our video on the Backhand Topspin Against Block and try to get the picture clear in your head. You can keep this stroke quite simple. Concentrate on getting the start and finish position right and brushing over the top of the ball.


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The pivot is where you are moving around your backhand corner to play a forehand. This is something that will come in handy in a match situation, especially if you have a stronger forehand. We will show you the best way to move in the pivot footwork.

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Thoughts on this question

utkarsh agarwal

utkarsh agarwal Posted 12 years ago

is it important to bring our body behind the ball while hitting the backhand topspin


Jeff Plumb

Member Badge Jeff Plumb from PingSkills Posted 12 years ago

Hi Utkarsh,

Yes this is important. You generally want to hit the ball in front of your body for the backhand topspin. If you are a little bit further back from the table you can hit the ball from a little bit wider.

mat huang

mat huang Posted 12 years ago

For close topspiin plus counterhit, your tummy is a good starting position

When you get better and start loop from distance( you should actually use fh to loop from back from table, i think you could put it near your hip but not too much.

PS has anyone saw a bh loop rally back from table. I've only seen fh loop but no bh

Alois Rosario

Member Badge Alois Rosario from PingSkills Posted 12 years ago

Hi Mat,

The Backhand can be used effectively from away from the table.  As Jeff said you can hit it from more to the side of your body and have a bigger swing at it.

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