Pendulum serve


utkarsh agarwal
utkarsh agarwal Asked 12 years ago

How can i improve my pendulum serve because i know my serve doesn't cause much spin.

Alois Rosario
Member Badge Alois Rosario Answered 12 years ago

Hi Utkarsh,

The main things are to get the contact right.  By getting the contact as a brushing contact then you will start to generate spin.  The second key principle is to brush the ball as fast as you can to get the ball to spin around faster.

In our Course on Serving Secrets we go through in detail how to perform the Pendulum serve as well as a whole lot of other serves.  We also show you how to generate spin and the principles of it so that you learn fully how to get good serves.

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Thoughts on this question

utkarsh agarwal

utkarsh agarwal Posted 12 years ago



Jayce Soberano

Jayce Soberano Posted 12 years ago

Remember to keep your wrist loose too

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