counter a fast topspin


justin sim
justin sim Asked 15 years ago

HI,pingskills a wanted to know how to counter a fast topspin, but i am weak with my chop,do you have any suggestions. ThankPr

Alois Rosario
Member Badge Alois Rosario Answered 15 years ago

Hi Justin,

Try using the block stroke.  You will find it in the Lessons section of our site.

Recommended Video

Table Tennis Video Tutorial

Counter Topspin from Mid Distance

If you are an aggressive player you still will have times when your opponent attacks first. In these situations you can try to counter attack and this is easier if you are a step back from the table. In this video we teach you how to recognise when to take that step back and how to do it. Hopefully this will get you into a good position to make that counter topspin. Good luck!

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