Counter A Swing Topsin Forehand / Backhand


Irfan Irfan
Irfan Irfan Asked 10 years ago

Hi alois,

When in a training...I tried to do some swing forehand topspin and my mate counter it with more spin and lesser degree of swing( that makes the direction more to move outside of the court) that makes me difficult to counter it back (as I have difficult on backhand as my hand have some metal plating in my hand bones in the past surgery).

For your opinion what type of shot that suits to counter the lesser degree of swing topspin if I want to counter it with backhand?

Thanks for your answer after this.

Alois Rosario
Member Badge Alois Rosario Answered 10 years ago

Hi Irfan,

You may be better to block this ball back as you may not have time to adjust your position.  Then you can try to set the point up again and make a forehand attack next.

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Thoughts on this question

Irfan Irfan

Irfan Irfan Posted 10 years ago

Meaning that is it to block whether by flick of just chop it closer to the net??

I've used both on some matches and sometimes it have 50-50 chance for just go to other side of the net of my mate's side

Alois Rosario

Member Badge Alois Rosario from PingSkills Posted 10 years ago

The block can improve with practice.  Take look at our lesson on the Backhand Block.

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