Counter Topspin


Haseeb Ansar
Haseeb Ansar Asked 7 years ago

how to counter topspin of your opponent with an attacking shot or with a topspin other than block because my opponent returns the block with more heavy topspin than previous one and the bsll goes straight out of the table when i tried to block and also tell me that how can i improve my placement while blocking topspin? 

Jeff Plumb
Member Badge Jeff Plumb Answered 7 years ago

Hi Haseeb,

Watch our video called "topspin to topspin" to learn more about how to counter topspin. As for improving your placement when blocking, try getting your opponent to loop the ball to your backhand and you play one ball to their forehand and one ball to their middle. This will get you used to playing the ball accurately and help your overall placement.

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Keeping The Ball Low With Opening Topspin

In this video, we discuss how to keep the ball low with opening topspin.

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