Vladimir Samsonov Ball Control


israel dimalanta
israel dimalanta Asked 7 years ago

Good morning Jeff! I'm  just a normal student in  fact i dont have any training because in the philippines training is expensive i m only self training can you do a video how Vladimir Samsonov controls the ball so well.

Jeff Plumb
Member Badge Jeff Plumb Answered 7 years ago

Hi Israel,

Vladimir Samsonov is a great player to watch and as you mention he has great control over the ball. This is something you can develop by working on your basic strokes and ensuring you have really good technique. Once you develop your strokes the control will develop.

So I'd suggest you work your way through our Strokes and Techniques videos and practice, practice, practice! Plus keep watching the World's best table tennis players :)

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Table Tennis Video Tutorial

#28 - Serving To Win

Initially when you are learning a new serve you can just get a bucket of balls and serve over and over again. But at some stage you need to practice your serve exactly as you would play in a match. In this session we focus on this. It's important that you try to make this practice as close to a real match as you can so that when you are in the real thing, you feel comfortable.

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