Counter topspin on a side spin


Vincent Delord
Vincent Delord Asked 4 years ago

Hi ! My name is Vincent and l’m a player from Mauritius so my question is how to counter top a sidespin when you block a pivot to his forehand angle. If you can give timing of the ball and position of the stroke. Thank you very much!

Alois Rosario
Member Badge Alois Rosario Answered 4 years ago

Hi Vincent,

With all of the counter spin balls you need to hit the ball with a bit of topspin but really go forward on the stroke.

The timing for all of these strokes can vary, you can hit the ball early off the bounce or later depending on the amount of time you have.

If the ball has sidespin you can still counter topspin but really brush the ball finer and faster and then the sidespin will be negated.

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