Countering this playing style


Tri Vu
Tri Vu Asked 7 years ago


How do you counter a style that has really strong banana flip, but with a strong forehand loop?

Alois Rosario
Member Badge Alois Rosario Answered 7 years ago

Hi Tri,

Sometimes serving slightly longer can work effectively so that they are hitting the ball from further away from you to give you more time to see the ball and return it.  Also a short topspin serve sometimes works against different players.

If you serve really wide to their forehand corner this will force them to make a decision to move all the way across and use their Banana flick or use their forehand to return the serve.

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Thoughts on this question

Tri Vu

Tri Vu Posted 7 years ago

Thank You, This will help me alot

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