Countering unique topspin


usman rauf
usman rauf Asked 14 years ago

Hi Coach

What if the a topspin shot curves like when it is hit it goes up and curves to come down quite near the surface of the table at my end. It is quite difficult to deal with that kind of shot. How to deal with it effectively?

Jeff Plumb
Member Badge Jeff Plumb Answered 14 years ago

Hi Usman,

The general way to counter a topspin is to use the block. Using this stroke you can counter the topspin that your opponent has put on the ball.

We also have a lesson on how to counter a slow spinny loop that may be more applicable to the shot you are describing. Watch both of these lessons and let me know if this helps you out.

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Forehand Push

In this video, we dive into the forehand push, a crucial defensive stroke in table tennis that allows you to control rallies with effective backspin. We break down the three key concepts—start position, feet position, and finish position—to help you execute the stroke with precision. You'll also learn how to adjust your bat angle to generate varying degrees of backspin, depending on the spin your opponent imparts on the ball. Finally, we'll guide you through practical drills to enhance your proficiency and consistency with the forehand push, ensuring you're well-prepared for your next match. Whether you're a beginner or looking to refine your technique, this tutorial will provide you with the tools to master the forehand push.

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