Cutting your rubber


Tony Lum
Tony Lum Asked 15 years ago


I, like many players are changing rubbers frequently to see what plays best.  How do you trim the rubber to the bat after gluing?  I've tried both knife and scissors and had uneven results.  Some of these rubbers are so expensive I'm afraid I'll take a chunk out of the top sheet and ruin it.



Alois Rosario
Member Badge Alois Rosario Answered 15 years ago

Hi Tony,

The best thing I have found is a scalpel.  If you can get one it is ideal for cutting the rubber.  After gluing, place the bat rubber side down on a flat hard surface and then just trace around the blade.  The scalpel gives you a great clean cut.

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Replacing Your Rubber

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Thoughts on this question

Leslie Unknown

Leslie Unknown Posted 15 years ago

I also found that cheap box knives are effective at cutting rubbers. Though the rubber surface itself is hard to cut through, hence I need to cut it 2 or 3 times.

Ji-Soo Woo

Ji-Soo Woo Posted 15 years ago

I never had problems with a regular pair of scissors.  Sure it's messy...but I always considered it a badge of honour.  Having jagged edges on your rubber (within reason of course - you don't want it to interfere with play) is a sure sign you've made it yourself and not bought it pre-made.

Alan Taylor

Alan Taylor Posted 13 years ago

I have found a surgeons scalpel is the best for this. You can buy them here in the UK from model shops not sure about Austrailia.

Place the rubber face down and treat like a surgeon would and use it lightly and let the blade do the cutting. You will surprised at the reslts.



Jeff Plumb

Member Badge Jeff Plumb from PingSkills Posted 13 years ago
Thanks for the tip Alan.

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