Dead ball serve returns


Edward Lima Unknown
Edward Lima Unknown Asked 15 years ago

I have trouble returning dead ball serves, it usually pops up high. is there some thing i can do to return the ball short to the left or right of the center line to make it diifficult for my opponent or would you recommend pushing deep with alot of under spin.   

Alois Rosario
Member Badge Alois Rosario Answered 15 years ago

Hi Edward,

There are two option I see here.  One is to push the ball short and the other is to flick.

It is often difficult to return the ball short off a no spin serve but it is possible with practice.  You need to really focus on keeping the ball down and low.  Take a look at the article by Brett Clarke on our Blog.  It may give you some insight into how to practice it.

The other option of flicking is also possible.  Take a look at the Lesson on Flicking.

A deep push is a possibility but at a higher level you will find that no mater how fast and deep you push the ball they will be able to cope with it and attack the ball.

Your best option is a short push and then to flick.

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Returning a Dead Ball

A dead ball is one that has no spin or speed on it. Sounds easy right? It may not be for you. If you are having problems with this type of ball, take a look at this video.

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