Dealing with Clipped Arms


McRey Banderlipe II
McRey Banderlipe II Asked 12 years ago

Dear Alois,

I have a problem with my clipped (or closed) arms that makes me less flexible when dealing with long attacks on the side.

My trainer would always ask me to stretch out my arms wide as possible, but still I find it difficult sometimes.

How can I correct it? 

Thank you.


Alois Rosario
Member Badge Alois Rosario Answered 12 years ago

Hi McRey,

You need to use what you have available.  I help with the Australian Paralympic squad, it is amazing what they can do to overcome their limitations.

I guess it is all about potential and finding ways to reach it.  I find the players with limitations with their upper body, need to work harder on their lower body to compensate and vice versa. 

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