Dealing with short slow ball


gogo emad
gogo emad Asked 8 years ago

I often play against players who plays slow ball close to the net
but I dont know how to face them

Alois Rosario
Member Badge Alois Rosario Answered 8 years ago

Hi Gogo,

Step close to the ball by putting your right leg under the table.  Then use the Backhand Push or the Forehand Flick stroke to handle that type of ball.

If his shot has backspin then the Push is the easier option.  If the short ball has no spin or topspin, then use the Flick.

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Table Tennis Video Tutorial

Playing a Faster Forehand Topspin

Now that you have the forehand topspin going well, it is time to get some more speed on it.

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Thoughts on this question

gogo emad

gogo emad Posted 8 years ago

thank you I will try it and I hope it works

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