Defending topspin with sidespin


Herbert Betz
Herbert Betz Asked 8 years ago

A topspin coming towards you can be compared to a wheel rolling over you. Now if I receive this with a sidespin, this would be the spin, that is oriented 90 degrees to the topspin. As the ball can finally have only one spin, the sidespin is the type of spin, that needs the least force against the received topspin, thus being the best predictable and independent answer, also for difficult to read serves. Compare this to a boxer, who tries to hit you straight, and you sweep away his arm to the side. Is this thinking purely hypothetical, as nobody recommends it? Maybe the problem is, that a topspin can hardly be brushed finely because of its speed?

Alois Rosario
Member Badge Alois Rosario Answered 8 years ago

Hi Herbert,

The problem with the sidespin is that it is not as accurate because it is swinging in the air.

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