How to beat a Blocker


Enoch Oppong
Enoch Oppong Asked 8 years ago

Hi Alois and Jeff 

I have been getting into trouble lately with a particular opponent that likes to block a lot and get back almost about everything. My opponent is good at getting slow topspin back and fast topspin back. He also like doing fast serves to the backhand and to the forehand as well. My question is how do I overcome these types of players? As they are really frustrating to play against. I noticed that my opponent does not move as good and when out of position is really weak. He also uses normal rubbers on both sides.

 Thanks for your time


Alois Rosario
Member Badge Alois Rosario Answered 8 years ago

HI enoch,

Variation is the key when playing blockers.  They enjoy th ball coming to them faster because it allows them to utilise the speed to outplace you.

Also think about the middle placement which can be difficult when they are close to the table.

We have a lesson in our Match Strategy section on Playing A Blocker that will also help any Premium members.

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Thoughts on this question

Marius Darian

Marius Darian Posted 8 years ago

You could also tempt him to attack by putting the ball a little bit higher and then blocking his attack to a wide angle. This should cause him problems.

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