Defensive Blades


Mars De Los Santos
Mars De Los Santos Asked 15 years ago

What defensive blades do you recommend? I plan to buy a new defensive blade.

Alois Rosario
Member Badge Alois Rosario Answered 15 years ago

Hi JM,

We havent road tested many of these but two that you could take a look at are the Stiga Tube Defensive or the Joola Chen Weixing.

I hope some of our "Defensive"readers will be able to help out.

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Table Tennis Video Tutorial

Tactics Against A Defensive Chopper

A chopper likes to get back from the table and get into a nice rhythm. If you keep the defender close to the table in the early part of the rally, it's hard for them to transition back into their chopping position. So keep the ball short on your serve and try and catch them unprepared. Watch the video to find out more great tactics to use against a defensive chopper.

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