I belong to a club in Arizona, and one of the players uses angles to both corners, or wide to the opposite side. He uses long pips, so he has good control. I play with antispin on one side and Butterfly tackfire soft c on the other, using the Seemiller grip. I have a good backhand slam, as well as a good forehand topspin. However, he runs me around the table, and all too often wins the point. What can I do to win points?
Hi Robert,
The focus needs to be on the first few balls in the rally. Also focus on keeping the ball deep and to the middle initially so that they can't get any angles.
If he does start moving you around, vary the speed and spin on the ball. These types of players rely on the speed and creating angles to win their points. Sometimes, just play a slower ball so that they need to generate the speed themselves as well.
The key tactic against an attacking looper is to stop them playing their favourite shot, the loop. Alois tells you the best tactics to swing things in your favour when playing this type of player.
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Robert Cole Posted 8 years ago
Thanks ALois. That makes good sense! I will try these tactics the next time I play him. I so enjoy your videos, and I am learning so much from them!!!
Alois Rosario from PingSkills Posted 8 years ago
No problems Robert. Let me know how you get on...
Robert Cole Posted 8 years ago
I recently played this person who wins by using angles. I used what I learned from your videos and also from your response to my question. I didn't let him get me running around the table early on. Instead, when I served, I used different spins, speed, and position, to throw him off. And most importantly, what worked really well, was hitting the balls deep and to the middle, so he couldn't get the angles on me. We played to 21, and when I had him 19 to 16, he got really nervous and tried to be more offensive, and missed his shots and lost the game. I learn so much from your lessons and advice!!!! I keep getting better, as I am able to utilize more of what I learn from Pingskills. Thank you!!
Alois Rosario from PingSkills Posted 8 years ago
That is brilliant Robert. Great improvement.